The Yoga of Consciousness: Moving Beyond Body and Mind

How does our consciousness, identity, and prana differ in different states of consciousness? Dr. David Frawley discusses how observing and contemplating our daily movement from waking, dreaming, and deep sleep can lead to boundless wisdom and enduring bliss.

Dr. David Frawley (or Pandit Vamadeva Shastri) is a Vedic teacher and educator who is the author of over forty books in several Vedic and Yogic fields published worldwide over the past thirty years. He is the founder and director of the American Institute of Vedic Studies, which offers on-line courses and publications on Ayurveda, Yoga, Vedanta, mantra and meditation, and Vedic astrology. He is involved in important research into ancient Vedic texts and is a well known modern exponent of Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma. He has a rare D.Litt in Yoga and is a recipient of the prestigious Padma Bhushan award, one of India's highest civilian awards for "distinguished service of a higher order." His work is highly respected in traditional circles in India, as well as influential in the West, where he is involved in many Vedic and Yogic schools, ashrams and associations.

To find out more about Dr. David Frawley’s programs and books his website is The book discussed in this episode is The Yoga of Consciousness: From Waking, Dream and Deep Sleep of Self-Realization

The show with Pandit Vamadeva Shastri was very thought provoking and motivating. He shares the idea that Yoga is the very movement of our lives, our journey moment to moment through the four states of consciousness; that everyday we have been to the divine and back again and we missed it. Through Yoga practices including manta, meditation, visualization of our inner Self we can move beyond the ego to become aware and focused to have an understanding of the inner powers that create the Universe.
FROM OUR HOST, DR. TRUJILLO: It was lovely to discuss the possibilities for transformation that open as we develop the yoga of consciousness, and pay more attention to the four states of consciousness in our daily cycle. This will be a valuable gift for our listeners.


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